My HuffPost article: NZ’s dirty secret (aka why I’m a raging meninist as well as a feminist)

This is the article that got me a spot as a Huffington Post contributor. It’s dedicated to two heroes: the courageous young woman in the Stanford sexual assault case and rugby hero and courageous anti-depression campaigner, Sir John Kirwan. The precursor to getting … Continued

Procrastination is a phobia – and can be cured like one

[3 minute psychology] The ten minute timer trick (described here) for beating procrastination may appear simple, and it is, but there’s some intriguing – and very useful – psychology behind it. First, a definition of phobia: phobia n. a persistent and irrational … Continued

The 10 minute trick for beating procrastination

[3 minute psychology] The 10-minute trick for beating procrastination Ever noticed the hardest part is getting started? Ever noticed that once you’ve finally started it’s not so bad? Why it’s so hard getting started But getting started can be really hard. That’s … Continued

Why I’m so scared of failure – and sabertooth tigers

posted in: How to be fearless | 1

It’s not just failure I’m scared of. I’m scared of many things: Criticism Ridicule Put downs Being incompetent Not getting high enough grades Not being good enough….. But not good enough for what? Most of us are scared of all of these things. … Continued